What is Woodfield Education Centre

Woodfield Education Centre@Carrington (WEC@C) has been set up to provide a unique learning environment for pupils who would benefit from a bespoke and targeted provision across a mainstream setting, whilst retaining the culture and highly specialist intervention of Woodfield School.

 Mrs Ashton Strategic Lead Woodfield School 

 Mrs Allkja Head of Centre

MS Akhaven Assistant Headteacher Carrington School

Wish to Welcome you 


Woodfield Education Centre @ Carrington


We are delighted to welcome you to Woodfield Education centre web page.

The information will give you an overview of the collaboration and its intent for the pupils we serve. 

We very much look forward to working together to ensure all the children that attend the centre can achieve their highest potential, in an environment that provides collaborative opportunities to learn, across Woodfield Education Centre and Carrington Main school site.

The Centre is self-contained within the Carrington site and is staffed by Woodfield school, providing Teachers and Teaching Assistants experienced in supporting pupils with SEND. 

The maximum number in a year group is 8 which allows for a higher staff pupil ratio to support individual needs and allow enhanced access to the curriculum and any social opportunities on offer. 

At WEC@C we feel privileged to work in close liaison with Carrington school staff. Collaboratively we provide a curriculum based on the needs of the individual pupils and focussed on developing pupils' individual skills for life, social and emotional resilience, communication, personal and social development alongside their academic progress. This is highly supported by the mainstream school either from skilled subject specialists from the school teaching at the Centre, or through personalised timetables where pupils join the mainschool class for subjects of specific skill or interest. 

As a school we provide access to therapeutic intervention through ELSA ( emotional Literacy support), lego therapy, drama therapy, Learning Space ( talking therapy) and forest school where needs are identified.

As a provision for pupils with SEND we work closely with the wider multi professional teams supporting our pupils, such as  Speech and Language therapists, Occupational therapists and Physio-therapists as needs dictate. We are also served by the SEND locality team, social services, the pupils' case officers and education welfare to ensure we are providing the right support at the right time.

All pupils, regardless of the site they attend, are on the main roll at Woodfield School, however, to gain most benefit from attending this unique provision pupils will be dual registered. The dual registration will allow them to access the academic accreditation offered at Carrington, where and when appropriate, along with the social opportunities for accessing the Observatory canteen for lunch plus the additional enhancement activities such as the excellence programme, educational visits and sporting events.

If you have any further queries or to arrange a visit to the WEC@C please do not hesitate to contact us via info@woodfield.surrey.sch.uk and your query will be responded to.