
Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Woodfield School. Whilst a website is unable to represent all aspects of school life I hope it will give you an overview of what we can offer.

We provide education for young people with Learning and Additional Needs (LAN). A significant number of our pupils have language and communication difficulties, and an increasing number present with a broader complexity of needs. In addition, we have a purpose-built 16-19 provision on site and further details are to be found under the 16-19 section of the website.

Woodfield is a thriving and vibrant learning environment where all pupils are challenged to work to the very best of their ability. All that we do is aimed at improving the long term outcomes for our pupils and the families who support them. We strive to create an educational experience which recognises the need to support emotional wellbeing whilst ensuring that intellectual development is fostered.

We offer a rich and diverse curriculum which is guided by the National Curriculum and differentiated to provide a learning journey which is broad, balanced and relevant to the individual needs of our pupils.

We know that pupils learn best when they feel safe, valued and can adopt a ‘can do’ attitude. To this end a highly dedicated staff team work tirelessly to make learning motivating, engaging and relevant, in a safe and supportive environment in order to equip the pupils with the skills they will need both socially and academically for their life beyond school.

We recognise the challenges that families face in choosing the right school, I hope the website offers you the information you need. We do, however, welcome visits to the school to help you with your selection process and have planned monthly invites to prospective families so if you are interested please refer to our calendar and contact the school to book a visit.

If you have questions you may find our FAQs page useful. Our office staff are also happy to help answer any questions you may have. However, should you wish to ask myself a specific question then please complete the form on our contact page for the attention of (FAO) the Head Teacher. Alternatively call 01737 642623 and ask to speak to the Head Teacher.

Mrs Terri Wyse 

Acting Head Teacher

Preparing pupils for adulthood: Developing learners that are happy, successful and increasing in independence

The Nature and Needs of the Pupils Attending Woodfield School

Woodfield Schools is a special school for pupils with learning and additional needs (LAN).


The curriculum and the strategies with which we support pupils are designed to meet the needs of pupils working significantly below peers of a similar age.


In addition to learning difficulties, our pupils will have additional barriers to learning, such as Autism, ADHD, Social Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH), medical issues or speech, language and communication needs. Many of the pupils that attend may also have a combination of needs and diagnosis, comorbidity and/or complex needs. The strategies we use to teach and support our pupils are underpinned and informed through evidence based research. 

We have developed our practice to enable pupils, who are not always able or ready to access learning, to progress to a point where they are able to engage. This too is informed by evidence based research and theories such as  Bruce Perry’s 3Rs, Zones of Regulation and a Trauma Informed Approach.

Current Breakdown of Primary Need

The percentage of pupils with the following Primary Special Educational Needs and Difficulties are as follows:

31% Moderate Learning Difficulty

26% Speech Language and Communication Need

14% Autistic Spectrum Disorder

9% Downs Syndrome or a Severe Learning Difficulty 

8% Social Emotional Mental Health Needs

6% Specific Learning Difficulties 

4% Physical Difficulties 

2% Other (such as Hearing Impairment, Vision Impairment or Multi-sensory Impairment) 

A significant number of pupils attending Woodfield School have a secondary need of SEMH.

Pupils at Woodfield therefore have a broad spectrum of need and as a result present with a range of learning and social behaviours.  

Some examples include: