Careers and Enterprise

Careers Leaders

Mrs Terri Wyse – Acting Head Teacher 01737 642623

Mr Andy Chase – Careers and Enterprise Lead 01737 642623

Woodfield School has a Careers and Enterprise Website, with some useful information and links. Please click on the link below.........

An Enterprise and Reward Scheme linked to real life learning

At Woodfield we are passionate about preparing our pupils for adulthood. A key focus for us, in relation to this, is providing our pupils with learning experiences linked to employability.

We are now into our second year of the Woodfield Rewards and Enterprise Programme. The programme has been very successful so far and through the programme pupils continue to learn about money management and skills linked to the world of work. We are proud of the time and effort pupils put into the enterprise last year.

September 2018 we opened our very own Woodfield Bank, Shop and Recruitment Agency. We have our own currency called Acorns.

We also have a very exciting Enterprise project.

How will it work?

All students are able to earn Acorns—our Woodfield currency. Once students have earned their Acorns, they will be encouraged to bank their ‘wages’ or ‘Rewards’ by opening an account at the ‘Bank’. They have the chance to buy a variety of items at ‘Woodfield Stores’ There will be a range of different priced products and goods on offer in the Woodfield Shop. The new enterprise and reward scheme will be available to all students across the school.

What are the benefits?

  • Learning how to understand the connection between the value of money, work and reward, and the potential reward of saving versus the impulse to spend

  • Deeper cross curriculum learning—enhanced links with PSD and Life Skills

  • New accreditation that is appropriate for all students.

Woodfield Bank, Shop and Recruitment Agency

  • The bank, shop and recruitment agency will be open every lunch time 12.25pm – 1pm and every Friday afternoon during PSD and Life skills.

  • All students who want to work will undergo real life interview processes.

  • Once they complete jobs, they will earn Acorns.

  • Students will have pages in their planners linked to the new rewards and savings scheme.

  • Year 11 students will email out monthly bank statements to all students.

  • Each form will have a bank account to earn and save money as a collective.

  • New areas will be available; Horticulture, Woodwork, Multi-trades, catering, floristry.

How do I earn Acorns?

– Completing great work

– Achieving targets

– Working at Woodfield Stores, Recruitment or Bank

– Taking on other jobs around the school

What will the students do in the Enterprise?

  • Students will plan, source, make and sell products and goods.

  • Students will ensure the accounts are correct and kept up to date.

  • Students will manage budget, expenditures and profits.

  • At the end of every half term, there will be a sales afternoon and evening for parents to come and buy goods.

For more information please contact Mr Chase or Mrs Wyse

Do you run a local business or are you a local employer?

Would you like to support Woodfield in their pursuit in preparing every young person with the skills and aspirations to succeed in employment?

At Woodfield we are passionate about the delivery of our successful Careers and Enterprise programme. A number of our most successful work experience placements or employer encounters have led directly to paid employment for pupils.

We have worked with a number of employers or business people in the following ways, and are always keen to connect with as many people as possible:

  1. Remote or face to face assemblies or group workshops

  2. Trips and visits to places of employment

  3. Work experience placements

  4. Donations

If you would like to be involved in any way please contact Mr Chase at or Mrs Wyse on