Key Information
Preparing pupils for adulthood: Developing learners that are happy, successful and increasing in independence
The school hours are:
Morning: Â Â 9.00 am to 12.25 pm
Afternoon 1.15 pm to 3.20 pm
Not all of this time is devoted to lessons, as some time must be allocated to extra-curricular matters, such as registration, assemblies, breaks, lunchtime, lunchtime breaks and other activities, which are not part of the taught curriculum.
The number of hours per week which must be devoted to taught lessons is laid down by statute, and varies according to the age of the child.Â
The office hours are 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
Woodfield is a Surrey County Council maintained special school. It is administered by The Special Needs Department, County Hall, Kingston-Upon-Thames, KT1 2DJ.
The special needs department at the Local Education Office, Redhill, deals with admissions and transport arrangements.
Children who have an Education Health & Care Plan are awarded a place at Woodfield when parents/carers and the Local Education Authority agree that a child has Learning  and Additional Needs and that his/her needs can best be met here.
The Local Education Authority follows the Special Needs Code of Practice, copies of which are available from the Department for Education (DfE). The DfE has also issued a booklet for parents explaining the procedures. This may be obtained from the special needs department at the Local Education Office.
Transport to and from school is provided by the Local Authority, and is administered by the Transport Section. Whilst we liaise closely with them, the responsibility does not lie with the school. Transport is by coach, minibus or taxi and some vehicles have an escort in order to meet the needs of particular individuals.
Should you need to change any transport arrangements, prior permission must be sought from the Headteacher, preferably in writing ten days before the change. Transport should be requested when you accept the LAâs offer of a place at Woodfield, and is provided to pupils who live outside a 3 mile radius of the school.
We feel that wearing school uniform plays an important part in maintaining high standards, helping students to develop a sense of pride in themselves and in Woodfield School and to feel that they belong. Governors have chosen a uniform which is distinctive to the school but which, we hope, will not be too expensive for you to provide.
We ask you, therefore, to ensure that your child is always dressed correctly for school.
Uniform for all pupils
Black blazer (optional)
Black or dark grey trousers or skirt
White shirt (long or short-sleeved)
Black, flat shoes of the outdoor type
Royal blue Woodfield sweatshirt
Woodfield tie
(Sweatshirts and ties are ordered solely through the school)
P.E. Kit
Black shorts or skirt
Plain white polo-shirt
Plimsolls or trainers and socks
Lunch is taken in two sittings in the canteen, the meals being cooked on the premises. All students are offered the choice of a hot meal or a salad, followed by a choice of pudding, fresh fruit, yogurt or cheese and biscuits. Water is available and encouraged at all times.
Should you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch instead. As part of our Healthy Schoolsâ Award Programme we encourage students to try different foods so they eat well balanced meals.
Students are encouraged to bring water containers and the drinking of water throughout the day is actively promoted.
We do not allow any form of fizzy drinks at school and encourage a healthy balance of packed lunch. Parents are asked at the outset, that they support the school in pursuit of healthy eating. Childrenâs diet really does make a difference to their behaviour!
We do accommodate individual studentsâ eating disorders and work closely with the canteen staff to ensure anxiety is minimised. Staff eat alongside the students to encourage good working relationships. This also gives us the opportunity to monitor food issues.
Students can bring a healthy snack to eat at morning break.Â
We promote excellent attendance at Woodfield School. We expect to have contact with families if a child is absent, by 9:30 am each morning. Where no valid reason has been given for an absence, it has to be regarded as unauthorised and is recorded as such on the childâs end of year School Report. Absence for holidays may no longer be authorised by the Headteacher.
Parents of students who are experiencing attendance problems, for whatever reason, may call upon the schoolâs Education Inclusion Officer for help. Studentsâ excellent and improved attendance is rewarded by certificates each term and vouchers, and those with 100% attendance over the year are treated to a 3-course meal at a local restaurant.
Attendance 2019/20 was 90.8%. Attendance 2020/21 was 75% (this figure has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic). We continue to regularly monitor attendance throughout the academic year. Attendance Autumn Term 2021/22 is 88%.  LAC Pupilsâ attendance is higher than Non-LAC pupils (2020/21 = 79%. Autumn 2021/22 = 100%). Pupils with a history of school refusal in other settings show significant increase in attendance following small steps transition programmes (75% of these pupils achieving 94%+ attendance Autumn Term 2021/22). We are working closely with our Education Inclusion Officer to improve our overall attendance percentage.Â
Woodfield works in successful partnership with a number of support agencies in order to decide how best we can meet individualsâ needs.
We are fortunate to have input by Speech Therapists and an assistant who can work in groups, with individuals or in the classroom, if this is required. They assess all students on their entry to Woodfield and monitor them continuously. Their targets are shared with the staff and these are evaluated regularly.
They work closely with our English coordinator and there is a teacher link to ensure consistent approaches and sharing of information.
Should your child require physiotherapy, the visiting Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist will arrange regular sessions in liaison with the school. Â This applies also to visual and hearing impairment intervention.
The school has the support of Educational Psychologists, who will assist us with students who are causing concern. Additionally, we use two agencies to support students with emotional needs, Drama Therapy and Learning Space.
Both come into the school on a weekly basis and can work with parents/carers. These have proved to be greatly valued and respected by students and parents alike.
The welfare of the students is of paramount importance and we ask families to provide details of their health when they come to Woodfield and throughout their time with us.
We are happy to administer medication during the school day, but please ensure medication is labelled clearly and kept in date.
At Woodfield we believe that by managing behaviour that challenges, in a way that reflects our policy, in a consistent, dignified and positive way, acts to enhance and reflect our values.Â
The emphasis is on encouraging positive behaviour through positive management strategies.
We believe that student learning is motivated by rewarding success, no matter how small.
All students are able to earn Acornsâour Woodfield currency. Once students have earned their Acorns, they will be encouraged to bank their âwagesâ or ârewardsâ by opening an account at the âBankâ. They have the chance to buy a variety of items at âWoodfield Storesâ. There will be a range of different priced products and goods on offer in the Woodfield Shop. The enterprise and reward scheme is available to all students across the school. For more information visit our Careeers and Enterprise pageÂ
All students belong to a House for which they can earn points which can be turned into privileges.  Other rewards include our new EPraise system and our Value Leaves which are awarded during our end of week celebration assemblies. Â
Woodfieldâs SEND policy is in keeping with the schoolâs aims, its learning and teaching policy and its policy on equality of opportunity. Governors and staff ensure that students enjoy a broad and balanced education which meets individual need.
In meeting the studentsâ individual needs, the school has taken into account the principles and practices set out in the Code of Practice; in particular, it has adopted a staged approach.
On entry to Woodfield, and at the beginning of each subsequent academic year, information about each child is collated and concise, precise targets are set, which encompass both academic, personal and social development. Woodfield has links with every phase of education, including FE institutions, and works closely with outside agencies to meet a studentâs needs.
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Our policy is reviewed annually with governors and staff. Please see this under âPoliciesâ.
Governors and staff recognise the value of educational visits and activities linked to learning objectives. When students are involved in such activities, you will be asked to make a voluntary contribution in order that they can take place.
No student will be prevented from taking part in an activity because of inability or unwillingness to pay, but the activity may not take place unless it is possible to cover the costs.
In addition, the school may charge for, or require the supply of, ingredients or materials if families have indicated in advance that they wish to own the finished product.
For those students in receipt of Disadvantaged Funding, we do fund a number of activities.
We ensure the school can meet the needs for a range of physical difficulties. We have one lift where needed and ramps to the mobile classrooms. One pair of doors is remotely controlled for access between the playground and the building.
We offer disabled toilet facilities and monitor our provision accordingly. As a result, we now have electronic doors for access into the canteen, improved physio and disabled toilet provision and a widened access to two classrooms for ease of wheelchair/frame use.
The school has an Accessibility Plan which is reviewed with staff and governors each year to ensure a variety of needs are met. Parents, students and visitors have been consulted with a focus on improving access.Â