

Safeguarding at Woodfield School is a priority and something that all staff take seriously.

To ensure that pupils are kept safe, an ethos of Safeguarding is embedded in what we do across the school. We have adopted Surrey Safeguarding Policy, which can be accessed on this page. In addition to statutory Safeguarding training, all staff receive ongoing Safeguarding training and support. Safeguarding runs through the school and is regularly monitored and audited by Surrey county council, the Governing Body, School Improvement Partner as well as an independent safeguarding consultant and the Safeguarding Team at school.

The words ā€˜Safeguardingā€™ and ā€˜Child Protectionā€™ are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings. Safeguarding is what we are doing for all our children; Child Protection refers to the policy and procedures we have for referring and supporting children at risk of serious harm, or who have been seriously harmed. The definition of Safeguarding is given in ā€˜Keeping Children Safe in Educationā€™, paragraph 4.

ā€˜Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

Interestingly, the last bullet point makes the definition into a pro-active one: if youā€™re concerned about the other three, do something about it.

Woodfield School takes the job of Safeguarding very seriously. All staff are trained in Safeguarding and receive regular updates in line with current Policy and advice. All volunteers and visitors who are in the school for are treated with due diligence and all checks are taken as per school policies.

Designated Safeguarding Lead is - Ms Kate WoodĀ 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are -Ā 

Mr Bill Jenkins - bjenkins@woodfield.surrey.sch.ukĀ 

Mrs Ruth Makroum - rmakroum@woodfield.surrey.sch.ukĀ 

Mrs Terri Wyse - twyse@woodfield.surrey.sch.ukĀ 

LADO -Local Area Designated Officer - Tel: 0300 123 1650 - Email:

Governor responsible for Child protection/Safeguarding - Veronica Gerhold

Governor for e-safety, Prevent and Deputy lead governor for safeguarding -Ā 


Safeguarding Newsletter

Useful InformationĀ