Pupils arrive at 8.20 for an 8.30 start - non local pupils arrive on Surrey Home school transport.
Pupils register at The Lodge where they also have 10 minutes of wellbeing time to ensure they are emotionally ready to learn. Any pupils requiring additional support will be provided this by the class Teaching Assistant.
Pupils will then engage in 3 learning activities before break.
Break can be taken in The Lodge grounds or in the main school playground.
Pupils then engage in 2 learning activities before lunch.
Lunch is taken in the Observatory with other pupils from the main school for those who are confident to participate. Pupils who lack confidence will have the opportunity to take lunch in The Lodge. However they will be encouraged over time to develop their independence and access the inclusion opportunities on offer, for those pupils this will always be considered in line with the pupil's individual presenting needs and identified within an inclusion plan in discussion with parents and carers.
Pupils engage in 2 learning activities after lunch with Thursday being a longer day to allow for identified pupils to access Carrington School Excellence programme.
On Friday school finishes at 2.30pm.
Pupils will engage in learning at the Lodge with the Lodge teachers for much of their core curriculum.
Subject Specialist teaching staff provide learning opportunities for Music & Drama, PE, Art, Science, Food Technology Forest schools. After a settling in period and when they are ready pupils are encouraged to attend the main school classrooms for these sessions within their local group having access to the specialist resources.
Pupils also have the opportunity to attend mainstream classes for subjects where they demonstrate a skill or interest. Both these opportunities will allow pupils access to an enhanced accreditation offer where appropriate.
Rewards and our incentives to learn
Social praise and recognition for work, behaviour and attitude
Values awards
Acorns - currency for good work
Attendance certificates
Headteacher award
Teacher’s Special Award