Meet the Governors

The Governors

The role of the governors is to provide challenge and support to ensure that each student has appropriate, high – quality education. We are proud of our team, made up of a variety of skilled and committed individuals, some with more specific areas of responsibility.

We meet termly as a large group but the two committees, ‘Teaching & Learning’ and ‘Resources’ meet outside of this to focus on their areas of responsibility.

Governors visit the school, both formally and informally, and this gives them a good insight into the day to day running of the establishment, as well as helping them in their role as ‘critical friends’. The School Development Plan, reviewed annually, is closely monitored by the governors.

Mrs P Walden - Co-opted Chair of Governors

Mrs T Wyse - Headteacher

Mrs V Gerhold - Co-opted Governor (with oversight for Safeguarding)

Mr J Abbott -  Co-opted Governor

Mr M Tary - Co-opted Governor

Mr M Lockhart - Co-opted Governor

Mrs M Atkins - Parent Governor

VACANCY - Parent Governor

Ms K Everett - LA Governor

Miss M Sung - Staff Governor


The 2019 Governors’ Handbook, published by the Department for Education, states that the department recognises that high quality effective and ethical governance is key to success in our school system and for the future of children and young people.

The structure and remit of the governing body and its committees

Governors come from all walks of life and play a vital role in shaping the school and ensuring educational standards are met.

The Governing Body of Woodfield School consists of

5 Co-opted Governors

1 Governor appointed by the Local Authority

2 Elected parent governors

1 Head teacher governor

1 Elected staff governor

In addition, the Governing Body is able to appoint Associate members. This constitution is laid down in the Instrument of Government for Woodfield School which came into effect on 23 March 2015 when the Governing Body was reconstituted under the School Governance (Constitution) (England) regulations 2012.

The Governing Body of Woodfield School meets as a Full Governing Body and committees to deliver the three core strategic functions of school governors:-

The Governing Body delegates some of its work to committees, through terms of reference which are reviewed and agreed annually by the Full Governing Body.  The membership of these committees is also agreed annually by the Full Governing Body.  The key committees are:-

Terms of reference and membership of these committees are available from Tessa Jones, the Clerk to the Governing Body via the school office.

In addition formal meetings have been held of the statutory committees (Head teacher’s performance appraisal and Pay) to enable governors to carry out their statutory duties in these areas.

Governors also regularly visit Woodfield School to monitor key aspects of the school’s development and provide support and challenge to the school.

If you wish to have a hard copy of the above document, the office will be able to do this for you.