11-16 Curriculum

Woodfield Curriculum 

The Woodfield Curriculum follows the National Curriculum where appropriate, although content is adapted to meet our pupils’ learning difficulties. All pupils study a wide range of core and foundation subjects. The development of life skills along with developing appropriate skills for the world of work are a key focus for all pupils as they move throughout the school.

Our KS3 curriculum follows a Primary style model where the majority of lessons are taught by their tutors with English and Maths set within if appropriate for the needs of the cohort. KS4 follows a Secondary style model where pupils move around the school for all subject specific learning. Our curriculum has been broadened in order to continue to promote Life Skills and Employability as well as allowing greater and more varied levels of personalisation and differentiation to take place. We have done this through the introduction of Careers and Enterprise and through vertically streamed form groups which are linked to differentiated pathways and destinations. This structure allows us to embed the work we do within our curriculum, to prepare pupils for adulthood, and the word of work. In KS4 there has been an increase in the range of optional subjects. The three new option choices are Creative Arts, Science Plus and Life Skills Extra. Other option choices include Cooking, DT, Art GCSE, Duke of Edinburgh and Humanities.

Pupils attend daily reading sessions 4 mornings a week. They take part in weekly PE sessions. Health and Fitness is also promoted through clubs, competitions and cross curricular links such as Cookery. Social Emotional Mental Health & Well-being, Spirituality and British Values is supported and promoted through a strong pastoral system of care, the RE curriculum, daily reflection during well-being time, weekly whole school assemblies and therapeutic interventions. All pupils have a minimum of one Life Skills and one PSD lesson a week. The combination of these Learning and Teaching experiences support pupils with their learning surrounding social skills and strategies around self-regulation. Cross curricular skills are maximized where appropriate. Computing/ICT is delivered discreetly as well as through curriculum subjects. The Rewards and Enterprise programme along with all other aspects of learning outside of the classroom promote and develop life skills and employability.

We run various trips, visits and residentials throughout the academic year which provide extremely positive learning experiences for those who attend. We also hold learning events throughout the year such as Activity Week, World Culture Day and Feeling Good Days. The Creative Arts are promoted through our annual Christmas Production and Arts Exhibitions etc.

Pupils learning is assessed using various tools throughout their time in school. The process of accreditation begins in Year 9 and is matched to pupils’ needs and abilities. The majority of pupils follow a Functional Skills accreditation process with ASDAN. Some go on to achieve Level 1 in Maths and/or Maths and Art GCSEs.

During Year 11 we run a college link programme, Surrey Choices deliver Job Coaching sessions and the majority of students undertake work experience to widen their skills of the world of work. We also employ a Careers Adviser to deliver careers advice to pupils as they move into, and through KS4.  

Future destinations for our students are varied and dependent on the nature of the courses offered.

These include:-

East Surrey College, Nescot, Woodfield Post 16, Surrey Choices, Merrist Wood, Brinsbury and Central Sussex.

Different colleges offer different courses and need to be researched in good time by attending Open Days and Evenings.

We cater for a small number of our pupils through the Flexi-teach provision. This is a vertically streamed group for our lowest ability pupils with the most complex needs and behaviours. The Flexi-Teach provision is a nurture/flexible teaching group for a small number of complex needs pupils who have not been able to access learning/education in a previous setting or in our main school. The aim is to provide these pupils with a small team of consistent adults and a truly personalised curriculum offer. The work set and the strategies used to support them is specifically tailored to their needs, through highly differentiated, small-steps and flexible teaching and learning.

Understanding the termly curriculum overview

The aims of the subject curriculum overviews are to:

The English curriculum overview explains the basic structure of how English is taught.  However, more specific information can be obtained directly from each English group’s teacher.

Planning has to remain highly flexible in order to provide the individualised learning that we pride ourselves upon at Woodfield.

The Maths curriculum overview is set out differently and focuses on the learning that is covered in different maths groups.  Many areas of maths are constantly revisited and future teaching is dependent upon our ongoing assessment of students’ progress.

From the summer term teachers will provide information specifically about their maths group’s focus for the upcoming half-term.

Subject Overviews 

The Curriculum

Delivery and Organisation 

Woodfield School offers a modified/adapted National Curriculum to all of its students.  As in mainstream schools, the Woodfield Curriculum is broad and balanced. We make modifications and adaptions based on student need, breaking the learning processes down, so that it is delivered in sequences of small steps appropriate for the cohort and/or individual student.   

Students move through the school according to their age, following a programme at the relevant level and having regard to their learning difficulties and individual needs. Our key curriculum focus relates to end point learning and preparing our students for their next steps and adulthood. We challenge all students to work to the very best of their ability and this is reflected in the termly targets set. We offer calm, highly structured and active learning experiences. We use key motivators and monitor student engagement. 

Many visitors comment on the students’ obvious enjoyment and willingness to learn. Where students experience periods of dis-regulated behaviour linked to their social, emotional and mental health needs, we have strategies in place to support students and re-engage them in their learning. 

A description of what we do will not reflect the enthusiasm our students have for learning, or indeed the staff dedication to ensuring that every student’s need is met. Our lessons are relevant, accessible, engaging and are therefore rooted in the fact that one learns more effectively through enjoyment and feeling safe and confident to move forward with a 'can try' attitude.

We work hard to offer a hands-on experience across all subject areas. You will only experience this through visiting our classrooms and seeing for yourself!     


When a student is awarded a place at Woodfield, we note carefully the special needs identified on their EHCP, monitor social and academic ability for the first half term and  set individual targets.

We undertake baseline tests in the first half term for Year 7 as these give us a really good idea of the students’ strengths and areas for development.

Tutors regularly communicate with parents/carers and meetings are held to discuss and review progress in order that achievements can be acknowledged and future efforts purposefully focused. Students’ Planners contain termly targets, as well as updates regarding what the student has achieved in relation to these.

Each student’s end of year School Report is sent to parents/carers in the summer term and this links closely with the EHCP Meeting.



The English curriculum overview explains the basic structure of how English is taught at Woodfield.  However, more specific information can be obtained directly from each English group’s teacher.

Planning has to remain highly flexible in order to provide the individualised learning experience that we pride ourselves upon at Woodfield.

All students begin the school day by attending a reading session (4 mornings a week). This structure has greatly benefitted progression in reading as well as helping foster an interest and enthusiasm for books. Reading, spoken language and literacy skills are essential for developing independence, confidence and student understanding of the world around them. These essentials are skills that every pupil will take with them long after they leave Woodfield.

Students are provided with resources that cover every level of ability, with learning based around well-chosen works of literature that link with the school’s ethos and SMSC focus.  This creates and develops understanding of emotional maturity and provides an exploration of morality and literature from other times and cultures. Our X, Y, Z curriculum targets pupils’ individual needs by pairing similar ability learners in a small, motivated environment.

A range of creative writing topics and drama activities encourage students to develop their imagination, confidence and expressive vocabulary through a newfound love of literature. Students study different texts each year chosen carefully by teachers to suit their age, ability and interest.

As part of our Key Stage 3 curriculum, core literacy skills and phonetic understanding are developed. From Year 9 on wards pupils start preparing for their Entry Level English Functional Skills accreditation, a qualification that assesses pupils' reading, writing, and speaking and listening. Woodfield offers Entry Level 1, 2 and 3, and Levels 1 qualifications.

This is continued in Key Stage 4, with students continuing to work on their functional literacy skills in preparation for their qualifications and life beyond school. They study an exciting range of texts, chosen for their relevance and potential to generate interesting discussions. Through the use of key motivators and avid teaching and learning, Woodfield attempts to instil a passion for English that will last a lifetime.



At Woodfield School pupils study 3 strands of Mathematics:

· Number

· Shape, space and measure

· Statistics

We follow the ‘concrete, pictorial, abstract’ approach to learning, building on pupils’ existing knowledge and relating mathematics to real life contexts thus enhancing pupils’ life skills. Each Maths lesson starts with pupils practising each of the 4 operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in order to embed their calculation skills.

The school has a wealth of practical resources which are used as both teaching aids and support for pupils. In addition to this we have a variety of maths based games that can be used as part of a teaching sequence or as a stand-alone activity. Staff are encouraged where appropriate to take maths outdoors using our extensive grounds.

In Key Stage 3 pupils are taught in groups based on their needs and or attainment within their year group. 

In Key Stage 4 pupils are taught in groups based on their attainment across the key stage.

The written and mental methods taught will be dependent on the ability of the student. The school’s aim is for all students to leave Woodfield with a formal accreditation in maths. Pupils usually sit accreditation papers when they are in Key stage 4. Currently at Woodfield we enter pupils for Functional Skills Entry Levels 1-3. A few pupils go on to study at Functional Skills Level 1 and GCSE.


Woodfield School is fully committed to providing an enriched personalised learning experience for students which is accessible both from within school and remotely and which meets individual needs and requirements.

We aim to instil in learners confidence and independence when using IT across the curriculum.

Students develop the knowledge and skills associated with computer literacy by learning keyboard skills, which leads to the use of word processors and information – handling programs.

Developments in Computing have continued to play an important role in the education of students at Woodfield.  We have a wealth of technology to enhance teaching in all subjects, including ipads.  All of these computers are able to access the Internet and School based emails.

Classes have regular access to devices with a chromebook available for each pupil, in every classroom as well as timetabled lessons in the computer suite.  Here, they acquire skills in Goolge, word processing, graphics work, data processing, desktop publishing, control and monitoring, emailing, coding, gaming, e-safety and the Internet for information to back up their general studies.

These acquired skills are then put to a variety of uses in the learning and presentation of work in subjects across the curriculum.


The study of Science enables students to develop an understanding of themselves and the world around them.  We are providing them with the skills to be able to question what they see and hopefully be able to find ways of answering these questions. Much of our work is of a practical nature and is relevant to the changing world around us.  The main aim is to develop and nurture inquiring minds.

In their work pupils will design and carry out experiments, collect relevant data, make observations and have a go at identifying patterns and explaining what they have found out.  They will learn how to safely use different types of Science equipment and will use this knowledge to choose the correct equipment for various experiments. In biology they will learn about their bodies, life processes and the characteristics of living things. In chemistry students will learn about reactions and apply this to real life, for example how rust is made or how indigestion tablets neutralise acid in the stomach. In physics while learning about the physical world around us students learn about energy and alternative sources of energy which highlights current environmental issues.

Their work in Science lessons leads to the OCR Entry Level Science certificate which begins in Year 9 and is completed in Year 11: each topic covered is assessed and the points are cumulative across the three years.   Pupils also complete a number of ‘I can’ tasks and two pieces of coursework, where they plan and carry out an experiment for a given hypothesis.  


We aim to develop students’ understanding of others and to prepare them for a healthy, safe, independent, adult life.  Personal and social development is a fundamental part of school life, extending what is learned and experienced to the family and community.

We encourage various outside speakers visit the school to talk to the students about safety and health.

Students are taught basic first aid skills.  In Year 10 we aim for a number of our students go out into the community where they improve their independent skills by gaining experience in work placements.  A number of our pupils also have the opportunity to spend a week in an organised activity centre where they have to look after themselves and develop leadership skills.


Sex Education is taught as part of the PSD curriculum.  It is about giving the students the information to make responsible decisions in relationships and develop self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.

Students in Year 7 and 8 learn about the physical, emotional and social changes of growing up. The older students study specific sex education topics including conception, contraception and sexually transmitted infections.  In Year 11 the students have the opportunity to look after our computer baby to help them understand the responsibility of looking after babies.


The development of Life Skills at Woodfield is viewed as quintessential to the holistic education of each child.  We aim to work in partnership with the parents/carers to develop those skills necessary for a fully functional, emotional and practical individual in today’s modern society.

As such, the skills covered range from practical  living skills such as preparing drinks, maintaining the home to travel training and independent shopping.

Life Skills start at entry in Year 7. Evaluation by parents and students has demonstrated that this is an invaluable, necessary and highly enjoyable learning experience. Life Skills in key stage 4 is assessed using the ASDAN Personal Development Programme. Additional life skills learning is provided for pupils who require further consolidation of these skills as part of the Life Skills Extra Option.


Careers and Enterprise

Work Related Learning takes place in Year 9 and covers all aspects of social skills and appropriate behaviour, practised within school for preparation for the outside world.

In KS4 pupils attend Enterprise lessons where they undertake working in small groups to run mini-enterprise projects. Pupils also attend work shops from guest speakers linked to the world of work. 

All year groups participate in the whole school rewards programme where pupils earn the Woodfield currency known as Acorns. Each pupil has a bank account and is encouraged to save their acorns up in order to buy items from the Woodfield Store. Pupils in KS4 are encouraged to apply for a job in the Woodfield Enterprise shop or bank. Through this process they learn the skills of filling in application forms and attending formal interviews. 

Students may undertake a community placement in Year 10. They make choices for an East Surrey College Link Course which takes place each Friday for at least 1 term in Year 11.  They find the three choices of vocational units invaluable in helping them prepare for Post 16 choices.

We employ Surrey Choices to run job coaching sessions and blocks of bespoke work placement opportunities in Year 11. We employ a Careers Adviser to offer 1to1 and small group careers advice. 

Mrs Wyse and Mr Chase are the school's Careers Leaders. 


At Woodfield, we aim to prepare our pupils for the diverse world in which they belong through the teaching of Religious Education. We understand that our pupils will meet and connect with people from a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds throughout their lives. We aim to support our pupils to embrace the changing world around them so they can understand and respect the cultures and backgrounds of others, as well as develop their own set of beliefs and values.  RE is interwoven into the tapestry of our school, with our assemblies, curriculum and ethos all supporting the development of pupils' understanding and appreciation of diversity and celebrating Fundamental British Values.


Across the key stages, all pupils take part in whole school assemblies that reflect our strong commitment towards all pupils being aware of the Fundamental British Values. The pupils also have the opportunity to reflect upon some  key messages in our RE Curriculum during  Collective Worship  which takes place in the classroom at the end of the day. To enrich the quality of our curriculum, the children participate in a range of experiences throughout their time at Woodfield including visits to our local church and visits from members of the community who host workshops and talks.  


Art sessions aim to inspire and excite students – even those who think they have no talent! Using imagination and creativity, activities are planned to ensure that students enjoy the process, whatever the final outcome.

Practical work includes printing, clay, textiles, collage, computer art, drawing, painting and photography. Different materials, techniques and effects are explored around a given theme, often inspired by personal experiences of life, the environment or an Art event in the news.

Woven into most lessons are opportunities to look at and discuss famous images and the fascinating stories behind them. Students soon build up an impressive bank of Art knowledge and are quick to recognise and identify unknown works by familiar artists.

There are regular visits to local exhibitions and to take part in competitions and community projects. In Years 9, 10 and 11, students visit The National Gallery, National Portrait Gallery and Tate Modern respectively. GCSE Art is offered to pupils when choosing their options at the end of Year 9 and has proved to be a very popular – and successful – course at Woodfield School.


Physical Education aims to provide an enjoyable, satisfying and balanced programme, with opportunities for all students to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.

It is intended that the programme offered will not only promote an interest in, and a love of, various physical pursuits but will also encourage a long-term enthusiasm for leisure opportunities outside school in adult life. In KS4 we use our local leisure centre, Donyngs, for swimming and gym sessions to aid our promotion of wellbeing.

We also provide a number of experiences outside of the regular curriculum to promote a healthy lifestyle that include an annual ski trip to Italy, regular football matches organised by the Surrey FA, and horse-riding at local stables.  We also have a trampoline, donated by a former family from the school to promote wellbeing in our Rebound Therapy sessions.

We hope that the range of team and individual sports covered at school help students to take their particular interests further. Ex-students have been seen using the local gym as a result of their introduction to it in at school and playing football at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium and Barcelona’s Nou Camp for Dorking FC!  We even have a recent ex-pupil who has represented the UK in cycling at the Special Olympics. 


Food Technology is taught throughout the school. We focus on developing independence and self-sufficiency in the kitchen and concentrate on pupils having as much practical experience as possible to produce food of a high standard. Pupils are encouraged to work as independently as possible and work in a safe hygienic way.

In Key Stage 4 students work towards WJEC Entry Level 2 or 3 qualification –  Food Preparation and Serving which assesses their basic food preparation skills when cooking.

Needless to say, all pupils enjoy cooking and this is an excellent life skill!


Technology lessons are taught throughout the school. We focus on pupils designing and making products that uses their creativity and imagination using the materials of wood and textiles. They have the opportunity to develop a range of skills by using a variety of tools and machinery. Pupils are instructed in the safe use of equipment as they develop independence which enables them to build on basic skills. All pupils have equal access to the Design Technology curriculum with adult support where necessary so that all pupils can achieve and enjoy success.

In Key Stage 4 Design Technology is taught as an option. Pupils complete an ASDAN accreditation unit on up-cycling furniture: typically choosing to restore chairs. However, any piece of furniture would be considered.

Horticulture is taught within Design Technology lessons again as an ASDAN accreditation. During the summer term pupils sew and grow seeds and use cuttings to make floral hanging baskets. It is an opportunity for pupils to develop their skills in plant care which is a useful life skill.


Students are given the opportunity to experience a wide range of music. Those who find learning difficult often achieve success through Music, furthering skills in co-ordination, language, listening, memory, imagination and confidence.

We have a wide range of instruments in our Music centre. ICT is covered through use of ipads on pitch and composition, as well as the use of recordings for evaluation purposes. We are able to offer opportunities for students to create their own professional recordings.

We provide a relevant, practical and multi-cultural approach which covers all areas of the curriculum.      

HUMANITIES   (History, Geography)

Year 7 study this with a topic-based approach. History influences all aspects of our lives. It shapes our customs, traditions, beliefs, cultures and environment of the communities to which we belong, so that learning about history helps students to make sense of the world in which they live.

We aim to help provide students with a sense of identity through learning about the historical development of the United Kingdom and Europe within a world context.

In Key Stage 4, students are offered the option of studying Humanities which will result in recognised accreditation. When they have successfully completed individual study units, they build up credits which can result in either a Certificate or an Award.

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Whilst we do not teach Modern Foreign Languages as a discrete subject we do incorporate learning experiences linked to developing knowledge and understanding of the Wider World, other Cultures and languages through our Geography and ASDAN Curriculum. 


In KS4 pupils acquire units across the curriculum and through their learning in Foundation subjects. They follow the Personal Development Programme and work towards achieving a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. Modules Link with areas of the curriculum such as Literacy, Numeracy, Humanities, MFL, RE, Science, Computing, Design & Technology, Expressive Arts, PE and Careers and Enterprise.  


Flexi-Teach Provision

Our Flexi-Teach provision is a vertically streamed nurture/flexible teaching group for a small number of complex needs pupils who have not been able to access learning/education in a previous setting or in our main school. The aim is to provide these pupils with a small team of consistent adults and a truly personalised curriculum offer. The work set and the strategies used to support them is specifically tailored to their needs, through highly differentiated, small-steps and flexible teaching and learning. The Assistant Headteacher (Mrs T. Wyse) and the Flexi-Teach Tutor (Mrs E. Wain) oversee the pupils’ personalised learning plans and create bespoke timetables where Flexi-pupils are taught within the Flexi-class and/or attend a number of main school lessons, both with a high level of TA support.

These pupils have a held place in a regular tutor group within the main school, with the medium/long term goal to access as much of their year group’s timetable as possible, as well as eventually registering with their form on a regular basis – both will increase, as appropriate for each individual pupil as part of the personalised plan, led by key staff in liaison with parents.

As well as the core number of Flexi Teach pupils there will be a small number of pupils who for the majority of the time cope in the wider school but on occasion need increased support and a short term change in provision. These pupils will fall under the remit of the Flexi-Teach group, for short periods within an academic year, as a temporary alternative to main school teaching.

The final set of pupils falling under the Flexi-Teach remit are school refusers transitioning back into Education after becoming a school refuser at a previous school. The Flexi-teach provision will manage the small steps necessary as they integrate into education within the main school setting. These pupils may or may not be taught in the complex needs group but their transition plan will be overseen by Mrs T. Wyse.

While teaching arrangements are flexible and bespoke within Flexi-Teach, the aim is to ensure wide curriculum coverage through either discrete lessons or through Primary style project work. We endeavour to complete the appropriate levels of accreditation with these pupils, in line with the main school, this includes Functional Skills Maths and English as well as ASDAN. Other key goals include increasing levels of engagement and instilling a desire to learn through using experiential, active, real-life teaching and learning experiences, and key motivators, as well as managing SEMH or medically linked behaviours, teaching self-management skills relating to high levels of SEMH and developing all important life skills.


Generally, students receive Maths and English homework on a regular basis. We expect them to read at home on a daily basis, at least 4 times a week.

It is important that such activities promote independent learning, and we are keen for students to use IT when completing work, where appropriate.