Ofsted Report
Preparing pupils for adulthood: Developing learners that are happy, successful and increasing in independence
Our most recent report can be found on the link below
Highlights from October 2022 Ofsted Report
A cheerful warm welcome awaits pupils as they arrive at this school. This positive approach carries on throughout all activities during the day. Consequently, strong and trusting relationships between adults and pupils are built, and pupils say they feel safe in school.
Pupils receive effective support that helps them to become increasingly independent in their ability to regulate their own behaviour.
Pupils thoughtfully reflect that everyone here is different in their own way. There is a shared understanding that sometimes people need different approaches or support to be successful in school.
Leaders are ambitious for every pupil to leave school confident and able to make a positive contribution to the world.
Leaders have established a carefully sequenced curriculum that helps pupils build on their knowledge and skills over time.
All staff are well informed about pupils’ personalised targets from their education health and care (EHC) plans. This means that throughout all areas of learning, the members of the skilled staff team facilitate pupils to constantly make progress towards these highly personalised targets.
Leaders are steadfastly determined that all pupils will learn to read. They are keenly aware of the impact that being able to read has on pupils’ confidence and future possibilities.
Teachers take creative approaches and harness pupils’ interests to motivate them and make reading enjoyable. This helps to ensure pupils achieve well before they leave school.
Pupils are sensitively helped to regulate their behaviour. Where pupils exhibit more challenging behaviour, leaders and staff collaborate supportively. They strive to understand what is behind this behaviour and to put the right support in place.
Leaders know the pupils and their families well. They are alert to the specific vulnerabilities of their pupils and understand the possible associated safeguarding risks they may face.