Tootoot is a safe, secure and diverse web-based safeguarding tool, which allows pupils of all age ranges – from Primary right through to University – to report incidents of bullying, problems they could be having in class or any issues that may be concerning them in an anonymous, confidential and discrete manner.
These individual cases are monitored, managed and resolved by staff/mentors within the school.
Tootoot reduces the friction and stigma attached to the reporting of such incidents, and ultimately provides us with the tools required to track, monitor and resolve cases efficiently and significantly reduce bullying.
Tootoot not only encourages pupils to report incidents of bullying, it also encourages them to work together and strengthen communication links between them and their teachers by removing barriers.
Each pupil will be given a username and password, which allows them to log in and use tootoot. They are then able to quickly report incidents and concerns directly to their school.
Each school has their own sub-domain where only teachers and pupils from our school will be able to communicate with one another.
All pupils are anonymous at the point of reporting but identities can be uncovered by the school’s designated tootoot administrator ONLY if it appears the pupil’s emotional or physical well-being is at serious risk.
Pupils can access tootoot on any web-enable device (computers; laptops; tablets or mobiles) by following these 4 simple steps:
Step 1: Type into their web browser
Step 2: Click ‘Login to tootoot’
Step 3: Start typing the school name and select it from the box
Step 4: Enter their username and password, and log their concern with the school